Chikyuu Boueigun 2 Portable / EDF2 (remove ugly bloom/low res hack can't detect it:|),.Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (resolution patches and SotN Richter brandish whip fix),.Carnage Heart EXA (hide some UI glitches),.

Brian Lara 2007: Pressure Play (fix fps),.Bleach: Soul Carnival 2 (fix freeze),,.Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines (PS3 Connectivity, fix save data loading, LOD patch),,.Armored Core: Silent Line Portable (fix freeze),.Armored Core: Last Raven Portable (fix freeze),.Armored Core 3 Portable (fix freeze),,.

But this Cheats tutorial is also applicable on other devices such as computer, with condition you are using. But since i never had my own PSP:v, i just will talk about how to use CwCheats to enable cheats on PSP games with PSP emulator like PPSSPP. Moto GP is another adrenaline game, and it sure makes our list of the best PPSSPP games for Android device. This is a racing game and the size of the file is 294MB and you can download it from the link above. The game is among the best PPSSPP games for Android and the size of the file is 863MB and you can download it. The post you just read contains cwcheat psp database editor download link and how to use cwcheat psp database for android. Edit it as ‘total commander’.Paste the code on the.ini file of the game which you wanna hack.